I’m a tad late in sharing this little bit of news, but hey, better late than never. OK, so you remember that chord diagram mosaic that I made while I was in California? Well, because it sold before I had even finished making it (yay!), I hadn’t really given it much thought after handing it off to its new owner. Out of sight, out of mind.
So imagine my surprise, then, when one day I opened my inbox only to find an email from the guy who actually created the software (Circos) that makes those lovely chord diagrams. He had stumbled upon my mosaic while cruising the interwebs and wanted to tell me that he loved it. I was positively giddy! It was kind of like getting an email from a rockstar. A nerdy sciency one. It was a total day-maker…probably even a week-maker!
We had a brief back and forth about the intersection of art and science (one of the themes I’d like to explore in more depth as I move forward in my mosaic work). It turns out he’s a firm believer in putting art in science and vice versa, which is kind of obvious when you look at the beauty of the diagrams his software creates. I suggested he check out a student-run journal from the University of Ottawa called Art & Science Journal … you guys should check it out too! It’s chock full of artsy sciency inspiration.
And then, get this: he put a picture of my mosaic on the rotating masthead of his website! EEEEEEEEEE!