I wanted to just take a minute to let you know that I’m going to be going fairly quiet over the next few months. There are a few reasons for this hiatus.
First: I’m getting a new studio! I’ll probably write more about this in a future post, but the general plan is to knock down some walls to join my small basement studio with the rec room, making it one big(ger) studio. I’ve already packed everything up, so the hiatus has officially started.
Second: I am exhausted. I’ve been going almost non-stop for a year, pulling together the line-up for my solo show while also working full-time at my day job. It felt like a gruelling pace, getting up early, staying up late, working weekends, and barely pausing between projects. I need to do non-work things. I need to recharge.

Third: Two weeks before my show opened, we had to put down our beloved dog, Dexter. I am heartbroken, even now after a few weeks have passed. Even if I had a studio to work in and the energy to actually do the work, I feel like I have completely lost my mojo. He was a huge part of our life, was my best photo assistant and studio companion, and walking with him was an integral part of my creative process. Life is not the same without him and my heart needs time to heal.
Helping display the gigantic quarts donated to my residency project Supervising the creation of a cottage installation The handsomest boy, always willing to model with the art He found the bones in this one irresistible
So I’m stepping away for a bit. I’ve got some mosaic-adjacent projects to tackle (like a sorely needed website overhaul) and a lot of non-mosaic things to do, like just having a life. I’ll be back after this fallow period, likely with ideas just bursting out of me and the energy (and new studio!) I need to make them happen. And don’t worry, I’ve packed a go bag with some essential mosaic supplies in case I get itchy fingers before my studio re-opens.
Thanks for understanding and I’ll see you on the flip side.
Que bien Julie, siempre ayuda cambiar un poco la rutina, y aun mas cuando perdemos a alguien tan querido como Dexter, hay que darle tiempo al tiempo. Estaremos listos para inaugurar el nuevo estudio y ansiosos de ver las nuevas creaciones.
Good for you! Enjoy this (fallow) time, you deserve it!
Everything in its own time… including grief and rest. Wishing you grace and wings.
yes, take what time you need. always. hi. I was kinda just surfing along and my all of a sudden my chin hits the floor. I saw the piece you did with the broken vintage mirror. amazing. thanks keep it up(obviously huh? duh on me)