Last weekend I took my first of two classes at the Institute of Mosaic Art in Oakland. I definitely added to my arsenal of fundamental skills and knowledge, which is always a good thing. We created a few quick and dirty pieces that were focused on process and technique rather than aesthetics. Needless to say, none of them came home with me.
On Sunday morning I arrived a bit early and took advantage of the chance to wander the neighbourhood surrounding IMA. I’m sure glad I did, because I got to see the “Rue de Merde” – a little strip of gravel path and vegetation (presumably where all the neighbourhood dogs go to do their business?) that is decorated with a long wall of murals, both painted and mosaicked.
So, without further ado, here is a brief photographic tour of the Rue de Merde and more!
Welcome to the Institute of Mosaic Art!
Another mural on the side of the IMA building
This one is right across the street from the IMA.
This guy is right around the corner from the Rue de Merde
Welcome to the Rue de Merde. Watch your step!
Chalkboard wall on the Rue de Merde
This one reminded me of home.
This car is definitely not a piece of merde
This tree on the Rue de Merde reminded me of the 16th Ave steps over in San Francisco. Didn’t think to check whether it was the same artist(s)… duh.
Offerings to a mosaic Virgin (by Kim Larson)
Ganesha makes an appearance on the Rue de Merde
A Rue de Merde tribute to all the neighbourhood dogs. Let’s hope their owners stoop and scoop.
Mosaic flower mural around the corner from the Rue de Merde
This guy’s pretty cute!
I think this was the front of a metalsmith’s workshop