I know it’s been quiet around the blog. Heck, it’s also been quiet around the studio. Part of that is just, well <waves hands vaguely at the state of the world and sighs loudly> and part of it is that this summer/fall was jam-packed with me giving talks, so prepping for those took up all my bandwidth (plus my day job was super busy!).
Anyway, I thought maybe I should catch you up on a few things I’ve been doing around the internet over the last several months, in case you want to read/listen. In addition to talks at three of the big mosaic association conferences (SAMA, BAMM, and MAANZ, oh my!), here’s what I’ve been up to:
- There’s an article about my work in the inaugural issue of “Mosaic & Glass” magazine (subscription required). With Mosaïque Magazine coming to an end, Mosaic & Glass will fill an important niche with high-quality content about the mosaic art world. Be sure to subscribe!
- I got to record a podcast with the fine folks of Bonn Park Podcast, as part of the 25th anniversary celebrations of the City of Kitchener’s artist in residence program.
- I’m in a book, along with so many amazing mosaicists from around the world! You should pick up a copy (ideally from your local independent bookstore). Renée Malaval Antoine did such a fantastic job both curating it and providing insightful commentary.
- I did a little written interview about my work as part of composer/pianist Nina Danon’s “Art and Nature” blog series.
- I was featured in One Resilient Earth’s “Open Mind” series, where they ask artists the same questions, sort of like a Proust questionnaire.
- My art got used on the cover of a peer-reviewed scientific journal (One Earth)!
- I participated in a panel about art-making in the Anthropocene as part of a series organized by the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (ooh fancy!). They were talking about putting the recordings online, so if they do I’ll be sure to share the link.

Also, if you happen to be in either Quebec City or Auray (France), you can catch my work on display in two shows:
- Quebec City – “M comme mosaique” at the Villa Bagatelle. This is a smaller version of the fabulous all-Canadian show that happened in Paray-le-Monial (France) this past summer. On until December 4, so plenty of time to get there!
- Auray – “The Mosaic Experience” at the Chapelle du Saint-Esprit. Another expertly curated edition of this biennale featuring some amazing international artists. Show runs April 9 – May 22.

Summer is coming and I have lots of outdoor projects on my list, trails to hike, and even some travel lined up. BUT I am also very excited to be getting back into the studio to create a lineup for a solo show that will be happening in 2024. I won’t spill the details yet, because it’s so far away, but I’ll be sure to give you plenty of advance warning and lots of sneak peeks. Stay tuned!
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[…] so busy this past year (and barely even making art!) really got me thinking about how to make sure what I’m doing is […]