I’ve never been one to make New Year’s resolutions or set goals for myself. So don’t ask me why I decided that this would be the year that I experiment with goal setting. Whatever the reason, I decided to take the plunge. Because I’m a list-maker, I decided that ticking things off as I accomplish them would be helpful for me, so I made myself a little planner. There’s space to check off my weekly tasks as I finish them, and at the front of the planner is a list of all my goals for the year, so I can look at them whenever I need a little push. I’ve also decided to post a quarterly update, to add an extra layer of accountability. This is the first post of that nature.

Some of my goals are weekly, others are monthly, and some are one-offs. I’m pleased to report that on my weekly and monthly goals, I’m killing it! My recurring goals are all related to maintaining an active social media presence (tweet / post to my Facebook page X times per week, blog at least once a month, do a WIP Wednesday every week). I haven’t missed one yet!
The one-offs are all still quite aspirational. The only one I’ve managed to cross off my list is completing the transition from craft to art pieces – I did that when I made my last leaf plate and subsequently switched over to the wall hangings I’ve been working on.
I’m not going to tell you what the other goals are. Probably because I prefer to under promise and over deliver. But I do have an interesting iron in the fire and, if it pans out, I will be very excited to share it with you. Until then…!